Moses' Tabernacle, (Ark) !


Question:  I have bought a NIV study Bible which says the tabernacle of Moses was not unique as there were its antecedents in Egypt and the Near East.  Is it true?


Almighty God was giving the (children of Israel), a form of “document” they could easily relate to as they were aware of “other” idolic religious adherents.

The Ark was God’s way in that early time, of giving them a “datum” point, with rules for relating with Him, and as a “reference “point for His “Covenant” (contract; the first) with them as a fledgling nation!

Christ Jesus instigated the 2nd. “Covenant” with them when He broke bread with His disciples. Heb. 9:7–13.

See:  ARK of Jehovah God    


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